February 25, 2018

dance with death

Macabre, it was love at first sight...

Yesterday someone mentioned that my most of my favourite shows had a macabre theme. Never really registered that I did till it was highlighted to me. Probably cause I have a love of odd things.

February 23, 2018

dream-weave parfait

Dream-Weave Parfait

The dream tailor silently weaves the dreams onto her hair as she grows impatient. 
If only dreams came true faster...

February 19, 2018

waitressing days

When you wish upon a star...

Storytime. When I worked part time as a waitress, I would curse those dumb supervisors who abused their powers. The number 1 thing I hated was them nitpicking (just cause they could) when they knew I was working hard.buttheads. may the lot of you grow a baldpatch in an odd place.

February 16, 2018


Doing the things you said you would not do.

I'm just another hypocrite.

February 15, 2018

caramel wondering pudding parfait

Caramel Wondering Pudding Parfait

Bitter sweet caramel always wondering if she made the right decisions in life.

I thought that I'd continue these as a series cause I really enjoy drawing the things I like to eat as well as the current feelings i have!Sweets to sweeten the day!

February 09, 2018


Feeling a bit overwhelmed with work. *lies down* For the anyone else feeling the same...HANG IN THERE! Eat something good and press on (or you can lie down too)

Painted with some gold paint. Don't usually use this often so indulged a bit.

February 07, 2018


S M O K E S C R E E N 

Been watching a lot of elementary! Feels like he became a bit of a modern times punk detective unintentionally...Sometimes people aren't what you think they are. They surprise you and I really like it when they do. Makes life a little bit more refreshing